Kota Roma
Roma adalah ibu kota Italia, ibu kota Provinsi Roma dan juga ibu kota daerah Lazio. Kota ini terletak di hilir sungai Tiber, dekat Laut Tengah, di 41°54' LU 12°29' BT. Vatikan, sebuah daerah kantong (enklave) berdaulat di dalam wilayah Roma, adalah pusat Gereja Katolik Roma dengan pemimpin seorang Sri Paus.Sebagai kota terbesar di Italia, Roma mempunyai populasi sebesar 2.823.807 jiwa (2004) dengan hampir 4 juta di daerah metropolitan.
Sejarah kota ini sangat panjang, hampir 2.800 tahun. Selama itu, kota ini pernah menjadi pusat Kerajaan Romawi, Republik Romawi dan Kekaisaran Romawi, dan belakangan negara Kepausan, Kerajaan Italia, dan kini Republik Italia.
Roma adalah ibu kota Italia, ibu kota Provinsi Roma dan juga ibu kota daerah Lazio. Kota ini terletak di hilir sungai Tiber, dekat Laut Tengah, di 41°54' LU 12°29' BT. Vatikan, sebuah daerah kantong (enklave) berdaulat di dalam wilayah Roma, adalah pusat Gereja Katolik Roma dengan pemimpin seorang Sri Paus.Sebagai kota terbesar di Italia, Roma mempunyai populasi sebesar 2.823.807 jiwa (2004) dengan hampir 4 juta di daerah metropolitan.
Sejarah kota ini sangat panjang, hampir 2.800 tahun. Selama itu, kota ini pernah menjadi pusat Kerajaan Romawi, Republik Romawi dan Kekaisaran Romawi, dan belakangan negara Kepausan, Kerajaan Italia, dan kini Republik Italia.
Ini adalah tempat-tempat wisata indah yang akan agan temukan kalau ke sana lho
1. Colosseum
Kolosseum adalah sebuah peninggalan bersejarah berupa arena gladiator, dibangun oleh Vespasian. Tempat pertunjukan yang besar berbentuk elips yang disebut amfiteater atau dengan nama aslinya Flavian Amphitheatre, yang termasuk salah satu dari Enam Puluh Sembilan Keajaiban Dunia Pertengahan. Situs ini terletak di kota kecil di Italia, Roma, yang didirikan oleh Walikota Vespasian pada masa Domitianus dan diselesaikan oleh anaknya Titus, dan menjadi salah satu karya terbesar dari arsitektur Kerajaan Romawi yang pernah dibangun. Kolosseum dirancang untuk menampung 50.000 orang penonton. Di Kolosseum pada saat itu adalah tempat penyelenggaraan sebuah pertunjukan yang spektakuler, yaitu sebuah pertarungan antara binatang (venetaiones), pertarungan antara tahanan dan binatang, eksekusi tahanan (noxii), pertarungan air (naumachiae) dengan cara membanjiri arena, dan pertarungan antara gladiator (munera). Selama ratusan tahun itu, diperkirakan ribuan orang maupun binatang mati di pertunjukkan Koloseum.
Spoiler for Colosseum:

Spoiler for Inside of Colosseum:

Spoiler for Colosseum at Night:

2. Trevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain (Fontana Di Trevi) adalah Air Mancur di Rione Trevi di Roma, Italia. Sebuah legenda tradisional menyatakan bahwa jika pengunjung melemparkan koin ke air mancur, artinya mereka telah memastikan nasibnya bahwa suatu ketika nanti dia pasti akan kembali ke Roma. Legenda lain mengatakan bahwa tiga koin yang di lempar oleh tiga orang yang berlainan, mempunyai tiga kemungkinan. Koin pertama artinya akan jatuh cinta, koin kedua akan menikah dan koin ketiga akan bercerai. Jadi jika ente berniat melempar koin kedalam air mancur itu, ente harus mempertimbangkan satu kemungkinan yang terakhir.
Cara melempar koin pun ada seninya. Katanya untuk mendapat keberuntungan yang baik maka koin harus di lempar dengan tangan kanan melewati bahu kiri. Sangat mudah sekali bukan?
Setiap harinya kira-kira 3000 koin dilempar kedalam kolam air mancur Trevi. Koin-koin tersebut menjadi milik pemerintah dan di gunakan untuk mensubsidi sebuah supermarket untuk orang-orang yang membutuhkan di Roma. Tapi tak jarang ada orang yang sembunyi-sembunyi mencuri koin-koin tersebut. Mungkin orang-orang itu adalah mereka yang ingin sekali di cintai.

Spoiler for Trevi Fountain:

Spoiler for Trevi Fountain at Night:

3. Pantheon
Pantheon adalah sebuah bangunan yang dikonstruksikan pada tahun 27 SM sebagai kuil berbentuk bulat di pusat kota Roma. Pembangunan kuil ini diselesaikan pada masa pemerintahan Kaisar Hadrian (118 SM-28 M) pada tahun 126 M. Hadrian membangun kuil ini untuk penyembahan terhadap dewa-dewa Romawi. Nama Pantheon berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti Rumah Semua Dewa. Kuil ini digunakan sebagai gereja dari tahun 609 sampai 1885 dan kemudian menjadi gereja dan tempat pemakaman bagi pahlawan nasional Italia.
Spoiler for Pantheon:

Spoiler for Pantheon's Dome:

4. Piazza Navona
Piazza Navona adalah sebuah alun-alun kota di Roma, Italia. Ini dibangun di lokasi Stadion Domitianus, dibangun dalam 1 abad, dan mengikuti bentuk ruang terbuka stadion. Bangsa Romawi kuno datang ke situ untuk menonton agone ("permainan"), dan karena itu dikenal sebagai 'Circus Agonalis' (arena kompetisi). Diyakini bahwa dari waktu ke waktu tempat wisata ini berubah nama dari 'agone' ke 'navone' dan akhirnya ke 'Navona'.
Spoiler for Piazza Navona:

5. Vatikan
Vatikan /ˈvætɪkən ˈsɪti/, dengan nama resmi bernama State of the Vatican City (bahasa Italia: Stato della Città del Vaticano, pelafalan dalam bahasa Italia: [ˈsta(ː)to delːa tʃiˈtːa del vatiˈka(ː)no]), merupakan negara merdeka terkecil di dunia, dari segi luas wilayah dan jumlah penduduk. Vatikan merupakan sebuah enklaf yang berada di dalam wilayah kota Roma di Italia. Vatikan merupakan tempat tinggal Paus dan wilayah Takhta Suci, otoritas pusat Gereja Katolik.
Simbol utama Vatican adalah St. Peter Basilica, sebuah gereja yang sangat besar yang dibangun dengan gaya rennaisance. Di depan gereja terdapat lapangan Santo Petrus (St. Peter Square). Lapangan ini biasa digunakan untuk acara misa yang langsung dipimpin oleh Paus.
Spoiler for Vatikan:

Spoiler for Vatikan:

Spoiler for Perpustakaan Vatikan:

Spoiler for St. Petro Basillica dan St. Petro Square, Vatikan:

6. Via Veneto
Via Veneto merupakan salah satu jalan paling terkenal (dan mahal) di Roma, Italia. Nama resmi adalah Vittorio Veneto, setelah melalui Pertempuran Vittorio Veneto. Film Federico Fellini yang klasik (1960), La Dolce Vita sebagian besar berpusat di sekitar daerah Via Veneto. Hal ini membuat jalan yang terkenal pada 1960-an 1970-an dan mengubahnya menjadi pusat kafe dan toko-toko kelas atas. Setelah periode stagnasi pada tahun 1980 jalan telah menemukan hidup baru. Kini beberapa hotel terbaik Roma terletak di sana.
Spoiler for Jalan Via Veneto:

7. The Arch of Constantine
Arch Constantine (Italia: Arco di Constantino) adalah bangunan kemenangan di Roma, terletak antara Colosseum dan Palatine Hill. Hal itu didirikan untuk memperingati kemenangan Konstantinus I atas Maxentius pada Pertempuran Jembatan Milvian pada tanggal 28 Oktober 312. Berdedikasi di 315, itu adalah yang terbaru dari bangunan kemenangan yang ada di Roma, dari yang berbeda oleh spolia, yang ekstensif penggunaan kembali bagian-bagian bangunan sebelumnya.
Spoiler for The Arch of Constantine:

![]() Kami naik taxi menuju penginapan di Hotel Metro West Ryde yang kami pesan beberapa minggu sebelumnya lewat internet. Yang mana tidak jauh dari stasiun kereta api. Ini sangat memudahkan kami untuk bepergian ke kota Sydney yang jaraknya hanya kurang lebih setengah jam naik kereta api. Kereta api yang sangat nyaman. Australia punya kebijakan khusus bagi orang tua yang punya anak dua. Bayar tiket hanya untuk satu anak yang kedua gratis. Kami memakai fasilitas itu karena kami bepergian dengan dua anak-anak. Kami tidak punya rencana akan mengunjungi objek wisata mana dan bagai mana menjangkaunya. Tujuan kami hanya pergi ke Sydney dan menikmati kota ini. Ternyata atraksi wisata yang ditawarkan sangat banyak dan beragam. Dengan waktu seminggu sepertinya hanya beberapa hari sudah lewat. Informasi tentang atraksi wisata dan tour perjalanan sangat mudah didapatkan. Tour operator juga memberikan beberapa pilihan sesuai dengan minat dan bajet kita. Hari pertama kami pakai untuk rehat dan mengenali daerah tempat kami tinggal, di stasiun mana dan bagaimana jadwal kereta ke kota, dimana mesti makan yang sesuai dengan lidah kita Indonesia. Jam berapa pertokoan mulai buka dan sebagainya. Akhirnya perjalanan kami terjadwal juga lewat pengalaman singkat ini. Walaupun kita tidak ingin berwisata yang jauh dari Sydney, atraksi dalam kota pun tidak kalah menariknya. Mungkin hanya jalan kaki berkeliling-keliling juga memberikan pengalaman yang menarik. Taman-taman kota nya yang indah dan bersih akan menyambut dengan ramah kedatangan anda di Sydney. Tidak hanya di sekitaran Darling Harbour, Circular Quay daerah Pecinan juga memberi nuansa tersendiri kota ini. Bagaimana tidak penduduk Chinanya menempati urutan kedua dari demograpi penduduk Sydney kelahiran asing. Penduduk kelahiran asing terbanyak adalah dari Ingris. Berwisata ke Blue Mountain ![]() Atraksi pertama kunjungan ke kebun binatang di Sydney yang bernama Featherdale Wildlife Park. Kita bisa menyaksikan binatang khas Australia kangguru , bagaimana makan, berjalan dan menggendong anak-anak mereka dalam kantong khusus. Banyak binatang-bianatang yang khas dari daerah 4 musim bisa di temui disini. Dimana kita tidak akan menemuinya di kebun binatang beriklim tropis seperti Indonesia. Kami di sediakan waktu satu jam untuk menikmati keaneka ragaman flora dan fauna di taman ini. Atraksi berikut yang kami saksikan setelah satu jam perjalanan bus, kami tiba di Echo point, Blue Mountain adalah Three Sisters. Di puncak bukit yang tertata rapi ini, kita bisa dengan leluasa menikmati keindahan lembah Blue Montain di kedalaman 200 meter. Ada fasilitas teleskop dengan koin kalau ingin melihat lebih dekat objek di kejauhan. Three Sisters (tiga bersaudari) adalah formasi batu karang yang terkenal di Blue Mountain New South Wales, Australia. Sekitar 100 km sebelah barat Sydney. Dekat dengan kota kecil Katoomba yang menjadi objek pemandangan yang paling terkenal. Masing-masing formasi batu di beri nama. Ketingian masing-masing batu karang ini adalah Meehni 922 m, Wimlah 912 m dan Gunnedoo 906 m. Walaupun secara alamiah ini disebabkan oleh erosi karena kontur bebatuan di Blue mountain ini cukup lunak sehingga gampang erosi oleh sungai, angin dan hujan. Tetapi ada legenda masyarakat mengatakan bahwa tiga bersaudari jatuh cinta pada tiga laki-laki dari suku tetangga, tetapi dibawah aturan suku tidak boleh kawin. Terjadilah peperangan, untuk melindungi tiga wanita ini tetua suku menyulapnya menjadi batu karang. Tetapi dalam perang tetua tadi tewas sehingga tidak ada yang bisa mengembalikan tiga bersaudari menjadi manusia lagi. Katoomba Scenic World Masih disekitar Blue Mountain atraksi turis yang tidak boleh anda lewatkan. Merupakan objek wisata terpadu untuk menikmati lembah Jamison Valley. Yang berada 200 meter dari puncak bukit. Untuk bisa turun dan menikmati belantara hutan harus naik Scenic Skyway atau kereta gantung. Pemandangan air terjun Katoomba Falls dan asyiknya bergelayut di udara. Mungkin ini kereta gantung terbesar didunia bisa menampung 84 orang. Setibanya anda di lembah anda bisa memilih untuk mendaki kepuncak atau menikmati pemandangan di sekeliling dengan jalan setapak yang terbuat dari papan kayu. Atau balik keatas menggunakan kereta model lain yang tidak kalah serunya. “The Scenic Railway” ini adalah kereta api yang luarbiasa tidak biasa. Jalur kereta ini adalah peninggalan dari penambangan di tahun 1880an. Keterjalan dari kereta ini adalah 52 derajat. Hanya berjalan maju dan mundur. Melintasi jarak sekitar 415 meter ini, sebagian besar penumpang berteriak histeris. Karena menaiki kereta ini ibarat naik roller coaster, kereta ini dilengkapi pengaman untuk penumpang seperti roller coaster. Kalau anda takut ketinggian bisa memejamkan mata selama kurang lebih 10 menit perjalanan. Perjalanan Tour Sehari itu berlanjut melewati stadion Olimpiade yang diadakan di Sydney tahun 2000. Kami menuju kepelabuhan kecil dimana selesailah perjalanan darat. Dilanjutkan dengan naik boat berkapasitas seratusan orang menuju Darling Harbour. Pemandangannya sangat menarik di tepi laut sepanjang perjalanan kurang lebih satu jam ini. Tour berakhir di seberang Sydney Opera House, dimana kita bisa bersantai lagi untuk menikmati pilihan eskrim dari stand askrim. Duduk-duduk di pelabuhan yang bersih ini menikmati gelapnya hari berganti lampu-lampu aneka warna, membuat tempat ini begitu damai. Darling Harbour Ini adalah kota pelabuhan rekreasi Sidney, disini merupakan distrik pusat bisnisnya Sydney, gedung konvensi, dan pusat-pusat bisnis lainnya berada di sekitar ini. Juga gedung Teater Imax yang merupakan gedung film tiga dimensi IMAX dengan layar terbesar didunia. Untuk melihat Sydney secara menyeluruh naik bus wisata Hop On Hop Off adalah yang terbaik. Bus betingkat dengan kap terbuka ini, ada dua destinasi. Yang satu keliling kota Sydney dengan puluhan tempat pemberhentian. Yang satu lagi adalah khusus jurusan pantai Bondi dan sekitarnya. Kita bisa berhenti di setiap tempat yang telah di tentukan, jika ingin melanjutkan perjalanan tinggal menunggu bis berikutnya. Hanya membayar sekali. Bus ini dilengkapi dengan narasi dari setiap tempat yang dikunjungi mulai sejarah sampai keadaanya masa kini beserta informasi lainnya. Pantai Bondi (baca Bondai atau ‘Bond eye’) Bondi beach berlokasi 7 kilometer timur Sydney central business district. Pantai yang populer tidak hanya bagi warga Sydney tetapi juga untuk wisatawan. Kata Bondi atau Boondi adalah suku kata Aborigin yang berarti hempasan ombak pada batu karang. Pantai yang panjangnya kira-kira 1 kilometer ini ramai dikunjungi wisatawan sepanjang tahun. Seperti layaknya pantai umum disini kita akan menjumpai pasilitas untuk main selancar dan body boarding. Tenda-tenda pedagang makanan dan minuman juga teratur disepanjang pantai. Pasilitas kebersihan, kamar mandi dan wc sangat mencukupi, tertata dan terjaga kebersihannya. Café dan restoran dengan pilihan berbagai masakan ringan untuk makan siang juga tersedia. Disamping itu di luar pantai ada taman yang khusus untuk pedagang kaki lima memajang dagangan berupa cindera mata dan kerajinan. Mereka juga di atur oleh garis-garis pemisah yang membuat dagangan dan keleluasaan pengunjung terakomodasi. Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk berenang, karena ‘Surf Life Saving Australia’ atau para penyelamat pantai telah menempatkan beberapa larangan dan bendera serta mengawasi para pengunjung dimana boleh dan tidak boleh berenang. Ini tentu menyangkut arus laut yang kemungkinan membahayakan para pengunjung. Pasilitas mereka tidak hanya papan penyelamat, tetapi juga dilengkapi boat dan jet ski penyelamat pantai, juga motor ATV(All Terrain Vehicle,motor segala medan) yang bisa leluasa dikendarai di pasir untuk keperluan darurat dan pengawasan pantai. Di pusat Kota. Masih di down town Sydney, monorail dengan 7 gerbong yang mengelilingi CBD (Central Business District) sepanjang 3,6 km. Menghubungkan Darling Harbour, Chinatown dan CBD juga merupakan atraksi yang wajib anda naiki. Ada delapan stasiun pemberhentian dengan empat kereta beropersi secara berkelanjutan. Sebagai cindera mata atau sekedar ingin membeli oleh oleh buat teman atau anggota keluarga yang lain,disetiap sudut kota kita bisa menjumpai toko-toko untuk membeli souvenir khas Sydney. Mulai dari baju kaos sampai boneka koala dan kangguru. Makan sesuai dengan anggaran dan selera, banyak pilihan masakan mulai masakan Barat sampai Chinese food. Juga masakan cepat saji Mc Donnal dan Subway juga dimana-mana. Kami memilih masakan prasmanan di dekat stasiun kereta api. Untuk di bawa pulang ke Hotel kami menginap. Mungkin ini tipikal kita Indonesia makanan harus sesuai dengan lidah kita, dan hanya masakan itu yang kami sukai. Jadi dua kali seharri kami berkunjung kerumah makan cepat saji ini, untuk membeli masakan China. Tidak terasa waktu berlalu kami sudah harus mengepak barang-barang bawaan dan berkemas untuk meninggalkan Australia setelah seminggu di Sydney. Jika berkunjung ke Australia bagi kita orang Indonesia yang tidak begitu suka dengan teriknya matahari musim panas, pilihlah bulan selain Desember.(man/waa) |
Sydney City Tours Friendly
Written by New Era Monday, November 16, 2009
sydneySidney - Travel team of writers came from Bali's Ngurah Rai airport around 12 o'clock at night. Direct flights with Garuda Indonesia, the pride of Indonesia airline. The author arrived at Sydney Airport at seven o'clock the next morning.
Our taxi ride to the inn at Hotel Metro West Ryde which we ordered a few weeks earlier via the Internet. Which is not far from the railway station. It's very easy for us to travel to Sydney which is only about half an hour by train. The train is very comfortable. Australia had a special policy for parents who have children in two. Pay a ticket for one child only the second free. We use the facility because we were traveling with two children.
We have no plans to visit like a tourist attraction where and where to reach it. Our goal is only to go to Sydney and enjoy this city. Apparently the tourist attractions on offer are many and varied. By the time it seems only a few days a week has passed. Information on tourist attractions and tour trips are very easy to get. Tour operators also provide several options to suit your interests and bajet us.
The first day we used to break and identify areas where we live, where and how to schedule station train into the city, which had to eat in accordance with our tongue Indonesia. What time do shops open, and so on. Finally, our trip is also scheduled through the experience of this brief.
Although we do not want to travel that far from Sydney, attractions in the city was no less interesting. Probably just wandered around on foot also gives an interesting experience. Its city parks beautiful and clean with friendly will welcome your arrival in Sydney.
Not only in the surrounding Darling Harbour, Circular Quay Chinatown also gave this city its own nuances. How not to its Chinese population ranks second of the demographic population of foreign-born Sydney. Most foreign-born population is from Britain.
A trip to Blue Mountain
sydney2Kami follow the journey with a bus tour to the famous sights Blue Moutain.
The first attraction visit to the zoo in Sydney Featherdale Wildlife Park is named. We can see the typical Australian animals kangaroo, how to eat, walk and carry their children in special bags.
Many animal-bianatang typical of the region can meet the 4 seasons here. Where we will not see him at the zoo tropical climates such as Indonesia. We spend time in an hour to enjoy the diversity of flora and fauna in this park.
The following attractions that we saw after one hour bus trip, we arrived at Echo Point, Blue Mountain is the Three Sisters. At the top of the hill which is neat, we can freely enjoy the beauty of the valley of the Blue Mountain at a depth of 200 meters. There is a telescope facilities with coin if you want a closer look at objects in the distance.
Three Sisters (three sisters) is a famous rock formations in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. Approximately 100 km west of Sydney. Close to the small town of Katoomba which is the object of the most famous sights. Each rock formation was named. Each of the level of this rock is Meehni 922 m, 912 m and Gunnedoo Wimlah 906 m.
Although this naturally caused by erosion due to the contours of the rocks at Blue Mountain is quite soft so easy erosion by rivers, wind and rain. But there are urban legends says that three sisters fell in love with three men from neighboring tribes, but under the rules of the tribe should not be married. There followed the war, to protect these three women tribal elders created a rock. But the elder had died in the war so no one can restore the three sisters to be human again.
Katoomba Scenic World
Still around Blue Mountain tourist attraction that you should not miss. Is the integrated tourist attraction to enjoy the valley Jamison Valley. Located 200 meters from the top of the hill. To be able to come down and enjoy the wilderness of forests should rise or Scenic Skyway cable car. Katoomba Falls waterfall scenery and the fun of hung in the air. Maybe this is the world's largest cable car can accommodate 84 people.
Your arrival in the valley you can choose to climb the summit, or enjoying the scenery around the walkway made of wooden boards. Or back up using the other model train that is no less thrill. "The Scenic Railway" This is an extraordinary train unusual. This train line is the legacy of mining in the 1880s. Steepness of this train is 52 degrees. Just walk forward and backward. Traverse a distance of about 415 meters, most of the passengers screaming hysterically. Because the train is like riding a roller coaster ride, the train is equipped with a safety for the passengers like a roller coaster. If you are afraid of heights can close your eyes for about 10 minutes away.
A day trip tour continues past the Olympic stadium which was held in Sydney in 2000. We headed for the small harbor where the finished road trip. Followed by boat with a capacity of hundreds of people towards Darling Harbour. The scenery is very attractive at the waterfront along the way about one hour.
Tour ends opposite the Sydney Opera House, where we can relax again to enjoy a selection of ice cream stand askrim. Sitting in a clean harbor these dark days turned to enjoy the lights of different colors, makes this place so peaceful.
Darling Harbour
This is a port city recreation Sidney, here is the central business district of Sydney, building conventions, and other business centers around this. Also Imax Theatre building, which is building three-dimensional IMAX film with the world's largest screen. To see Sydney as a whole took a bus tour Hop On Hop Off is the best. Bus betingkat with the hood open, there are two destinations. The one around the city of Sydney with dozens of stops. The other one is specific majors Bondi beach and its surroundings. We can stop at any place that has been specified, if you want to continue the journey just waiting for the next bus. Only pay once. The bus is equipped with a narrative of each place visited beginning of history until the present keadaanya along with other information.
Bondi Beach (read Bondai or 'Bond eye')
Bondi Beach is located 7 kilometers east of the Sydney central business district. The beach is popular not only for the citizens of Sydney but also for tourists.
Word is Bondi or Boondi Aboriginal word meaning tribe blows of the waves on the rocks.
The beach is long, about 1 kilometer is visited by tourists throughout the year. Like a public beach here we will find pasilitas to play surfing and body boarding. Tents and food and beverage vendors also regularly along the coast. Pasilitas cleanliness, bathroom and wc very adequate, orderly and kept clean.
Café and restaurant with a selection of light dishes for lunch also available. Besides, beyond the beach there is a special park for displaying merchandise vendors of souvenirs and handicrafts. They also are set by the dividing lines that make merchandise and flexibility accommodated visitors.
You do not need to worry for swimming, because the 'Surf Life Saving Australia' or the rescuers coast has put some restrictions and flags as well as overseeing the visitors which can and can not swim. This is certainly related to ocean currents that may endanger the visitors. Pasilitas they not only rescue board, but also features a rescue boat and jet ski beach, also motorcycles ATV (All Terrain Vehicle, motorcycles all-terrain) which can freely be driven on the sand for emergency purposes and coastal surveillance.
At the center of town.
Still in down town Sydney, with 7 car monorail surrounding the CBD (Central Business District) along the 3.6 km. Connecting Darling Harbour, Chinatown and the CBD is also an attraction that you must take. There are eight stops with four railway stations to be operating in a sustainable manner.
As a souvenir or just want to buy by by for a friend or family member to another, in every corner of the city we can find the shops to buy souvenirs of Sydney. Ranging from dress shirts to stuffed koalas and kangaroos.
Eat according to your budget and taste, many choices of Western cuisine dishes starting up Chinese food. Also fast food cuisine Mc Donnal and Subway are also everywhere. We chose the buffet dishes near the railway station. To take home to our hotel stay. Maybe this is our typical Indonesian food must be in accordance with our tongue, and the only dish that we liked. So the two times we visited home seharri eat fast food, to buy Chinese food.
Does not feel the time pass we had to pack belongings and pack up to leave Australia after a week in Sydney.
If a visit to Australia for our people in Indonesia who do not particularly like the hot summer sun, choose the month except December. (Man / waa)
Written by New Era Monday, November 16, 2009
sydneySidney - Travel team of writers came from Bali's Ngurah Rai airport around 12 o'clock at night. Direct flights with Garuda Indonesia, the pride of Indonesia airline. The author arrived at Sydney Airport at seven o'clock the next morning.
Our taxi ride to the inn at Hotel Metro West Ryde which we ordered a few weeks earlier via the Internet. Which is not far from the railway station. It's very easy for us to travel to Sydney which is only about half an hour by train. The train is very comfortable. Australia had a special policy for parents who have children in two. Pay a ticket for one child only the second free. We use the facility because we were traveling with two children.
We have no plans to visit like a tourist attraction where and where to reach it. Our goal is only to go to Sydney and enjoy this city. Apparently the tourist attractions on offer are many and varied. By the time it seems only a few days a week has passed. Information on tourist attractions and tour trips are very easy to get. Tour operators also provide several options to suit your interests and bajet us.
The first day we used to break and identify areas where we live, where and how to schedule station train into the city, which had to eat in accordance with our tongue Indonesia. What time do shops open, and so on. Finally, our trip is also scheduled through the experience of this brief.
Although we do not want to travel that far from Sydney, attractions in the city was no less interesting. Probably just wandered around on foot also gives an interesting experience. Its city parks beautiful and clean with friendly will welcome your arrival in Sydney.
Not only in the surrounding Darling Harbour, Circular Quay Chinatown also gave this city its own nuances. How not to its Chinese population ranks second of the demographic population of foreign-born Sydney. Most foreign-born population is from Britain.
A trip to Blue Mountain
sydney2Kami follow the journey with a bus tour to the famous sights Blue Moutain.
The first attraction visit to the zoo in Sydney Featherdale Wildlife Park is named. We can see the typical Australian animals kangaroo, how to eat, walk and carry their children in special bags.
Many animal-bianatang typical of the region can meet the 4 seasons here. Where we will not see him at the zoo tropical climates such as Indonesia. We spend time in an hour to enjoy the diversity of flora and fauna in this park.
The following attractions that we saw after one hour bus trip, we arrived at Echo Point, Blue Mountain is the Three Sisters. At the top of the hill which is neat, we can freely enjoy the beauty of the valley of the Blue Mountain at a depth of 200 meters. There is a telescope facilities with coin if you want a closer look at objects in the distance.
Three Sisters (three sisters) is a famous rock formations in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. Approximately 100 km west of Sydney. Close to the small town of Katoomba which is the object of the most famous sights. Each rock formation was named. Each of the level of this rock is Meehni 922 m, 912 m and Gunnedoo Wimlah 906 m.
Although this naturally caused by erosion due to the contours of the rocks at Blue Mountain is quite soft so easy erosion by rivers, wind and rain. But there are urban legends says that three sisters fell in love with three men from neighboring tribes, but under the rules of the tribe should not be married. There followed the war, to protect these three women tribal elders created a rock. But the elder had died in the war so no one can restore the three sisters to be human again.
Katoomba Scenic World
Still around Blue Mountain tourist attraction that you should not miss. Is the integrated tourist attraction to enjoy the valley Jamison Valley. Located 200 meters from the top of the hill. To be able to come down and enjoy the wilderness of forests should rise or Scenic Skyway cable car. Katoomba Falls waterfall scenery and the fun of hung in the air. Maybe this is the world's largest cable car can accommodate 84 people.
Your arrival in the valley you can choose to climb the summit, or enjoying the scenery around the walkway made of wooden boards. Or back up using the other model train that is no less thrill. "The Scenic Railway" This is an extraordinary train unusual. This train line is the legacy of mining in the 1880s. Steepness of this train is 52 degrees. Just walk forward and backward. Traverse a distance of about 415 meters, most of the passengers screaming hysterically. Because the train is like riding a roller coaster ride, the train is equipped with a safety for the passengers like a roller coaster. If you are afraid of heights can close your eyes for about 10 minutes away.
A day trip tour continues past the Olympic stadium which was held in Sydney in 2000. We headed for the small harbor where the finished road trip. Followed by boat with a capacity of hundreds of people towards Darling Harbour. The scenery is very attractive at the waterfront along the way about one hour.
Tour ends opposite the Sydney Opera House, where we can relax again to enjoy a selection of ice cream stand askrim. Sitting in a clean harbor these dark days turned to enjoy the lights of different colors, makes this place so peaceful.
Darling Harbour
This is a port city recreation Sidney, here is the central business district of Sydney, building conventions, and other business centers around this. Also Imax Theatre building, which is building three-dimensional IMAX film with the world's largest screen. To see Sydney as a whole took a bus tour Hop On Hop Off is the best. Bus betingkat with the hood open, there are two destinations. The one around the city of Sydney with dozens of stops. The other one is specific majors Bondi beach and its surroundings. We can stop at any place that has been specified, if you want to continue the journey just waiting for the next bus. Only pay once. The bus is equipped with a narrative of each place visited beginning of history until the present keadaanya along with other information.
Bondi Beach (read Bondai or 'Bond eye')
Bondi Beach is located 7 kilometers east of the Sydney central business district. The beach is popular not only for the citizens of Sydney but also for tourists.
Word is Bondi or Boondi Aboriginal word meaning tribe blows of the waves on the rocks.
The beach is long, about 1 kilometer is visited by tourists throughout the year. Like a public beach here we will find pasilitas to play surfing and body boarding. Tents and food and beverage vendors also regularly along the coast. Pasilitas cleanliness, bathroom and wc very adequate, orderly and kept clean.
Café and restaurant with a selection of light dishes for lunch also available. Besides, beyond the beach there is a special park for displaying merchandise vendors of souvenirs and handicrafts. They also are set by the dividing lines that make merchandise and flexibility accommodated visitors.
You do not need to worry for swimming, because the 'Surf Life Saving Australia' or the rescuers coast has put some restrictions and flags as well as overseeing the visitors which can and can not swim. This is certainly related to ocean currents that may endanger the visitors. Pasilitas they not only rescue board, but also features a rescue boat and jet ski beach, also motorcycles ATV (All Terrain Vehicle, motorcycles all-terrain) which can freely be driven on the sand for emergency purposes and coastal surveillance.
At the center of town.
Still in down town Sydney, with 7 car monorail surrounding the CBD (Central Business District) along the 3.6 km. Connecting Darling Harbour, Chinatown and the CBD is also an attraction that you must take. There are eight stops with four railway stations to be operating in a sustainable manner.
As a souvenir or just want to buy by by for a friend or family member to another, in every corner of the city we can find the shops to buy souvenirs of Sydney. Ranging from dress shirts to stuffed koalas and kangaroos.
Eat according to your budget and taste, many choices of Western cuisine dishes starting up Chinese food. Also fast food cuisine Mc Donnal and Subway are also everywhere. We chose the buffet dishes near the railway station. To take home to our hotel stay. Maybe this is our typical Indonesian food must be in accordance with our tongue, and the only dish that we liked. So the two times we visited home seharri eat fast food, to buy Chinese food.
Does not feel the time pass we had to pack belongings and pack up to leave Australia after a week in Sydney.
If a visit to Australia for our people in Indonesia who do not particularly like the hot summer sun, choose the month except December. (Man / waa)
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